• MTG - Tarkir: Dragonstorm Collector's Booster Display (12 Packs) (D42740000)

Bring home a trove of relics for your clan and triumph over the storm. In this box you’ll find 12 Tarkir: Dragonstorm Collector Boosters, each containing 15 Magic: The Gathering cards and 1 Traditional Foil double-sided token.

Every pack includes 5 cards of rarity Rare or higher, 3–5 Uncommon, 4–6 Common, and 1 Full-Art Land cards, with a total of 9–11 Traditional Foil cards. Serialized card in <1% of Collector Boosters.

Serialized cards are localized in English only but can be found in Tarkir: Dragonstorm Collector Boosters of any language.

Non-serialized cards are mechanically identical to serialized variants.

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MTG - Tarkir: Dragonstorm Collector's Booster Display (12 Packs) (D42740000)

  • 1,499.00 RON