• MTG - Tarkir: Dragonstorm Bundle - EN (D42760001)

Master the fearsome Dragonstorms and summon dragons of your own to rain down fiery devastation with a box full of Tarkir: Dragonstorm cards and exclusive accessories.

This Bundle contains 9 Tarkir: Dragonstorm Play Boosters, plus 1 Traditional Foil card with Bundle-exclusive alternate-art, 15 Traditional Foil and 15 nonfoil Land cards, 1 oversized Spindown life counter, 1 card storage box, and 2 reference cards.

Each Play Booster contains 14 Magic: The Gathering cards, including 1–4 cards of rarity Rare or higher and at least 1 Traditional Foil card.

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MTG - Tarkir: Dragonstorm Bundle - EN (D42760001)

  • 260.00 RON